Boston Legal Questions

A question from Avani:

Dear Mr. Auberjonois,
I miss seeing you on Boston Legal, hope you get a guest role early on this coming season. I grew up watching Benson, one of my favourite movies to watch was The Last Unicorn, and enjoyed you in Faerie Tale Theatre‘s “The Frog Prince.” Now that I’m older, I was happy to see you on Frasier and of course, Boston Legal. Hope to see much more from you in the near future.

Growing up I watched Benson and Night Court, and seeing you come together with John Laroquette on Boston Legal was a treat; what is the funniest or craziest moment you have had behind the scenes with Mr. Laroquette on Boston Legal that we didn’t see on TV?

Dear Avani-
Thanks for your kind message.

John Laroquette is a wonderful actor. I enjoyed working with him, however briefly… sorry I have no amusing tale to tell… we just did our work… that was it.

All the best-
rené a.

Answered June, 2008 (Posted here January 11, 2009)

A question from Dave Q.:

I have been watching you on television for years ever since your days on Benson. I also have been a fan of Star Trek since I was 4 years old (I am currently 36). I just wanted to type up a letter to say how much your work on TV, film and stage is appreciated by not only myself, but a large number of people that I talk to as well. I was saddened to hear that your participation on Boston Legal was cut short in season 4. I recently watched “Oral Contracts”, and to date that was the best episode of Boston Legal this season. I hope to see you on future episodes. Is there any speculation on what happened to the character of Paul at the law firm of Crane, Poole and Schmidt?

Do you ever stay in contact with any of your co stars from Benson? Perhaps one day a few more Benson alum can appear on the show. So far I saw Ethan Phillips, and in the same episode of last year I believe your scene with Armin Shimmerman was priceless. I wish you could have had a scene with Phillips as well.

Take care, and I hope to see you soon in other projects.

Dear Dave-
Thanks for your kind words.

You ask: “Is there any speculation on what happened to the character of Paul at the law firm of Crane, Poole and Schmidt?”
The idea is that Paul is “in his office taking care of business”… but handing over the day-to-day stuff.

As for: “Do you ever stay in contact with any of your co stars from Benson?”
Johnny (as he’s known to his friends) and I are still very close and remain in contact. Inga is also a dear friend who we see regularly.

All the best to you-
rené a.

Answered December, 2007 (Posted here January 11, 2009)

A question from Anita:

Dear René,
I am fuming!!!! Why is David E. Kelly taking you off Boston Legal next season? You are the only decent man on that whole show. In fact your charactor is the only one I like on the whole show (except for Ms. Bergen).

David E. Kelly is going to get a lot of letters, especially from women in the 50+ range, screaming at him to leave you on the show, and you can bet I am going to be at the top of that list.

Dear Anita-
He’s just run out of story ideas for Paul Lewiston. However, I will be doing a few episodes as a guest.

“…your charactor is the only one I like on the whole show (except for Ms. Bergen).”
That’s very kind… and to include me with Candace!

rené a.

Posted here July 25, 2007

A question from Bradley:

Dear René,
First I want to say that Boston Legal won’t be the same without you. Now that you aren’t filming Boston Legal what do you plan to do? Do you think you will step into another regular role?

Dear Bradley-
Thanks. I will be doing a few episodes, and I’ve always got plenty on my “plate”… just check out As for another regular role… who knows… that’s like getting a winning lottery ticket.

rené a.

Posted here July 25, 2007

A question from Elaine:

Dear René:
How are you doing? Keep up the excellent work on Boston Legal. Will you be teaching at Julliard? Do you keep in touch with Robert Guilliume? I’ve been your #1 fan since The Eyes of Laura Mars.

Dear Elaine-
Let me take your questions one at a time:

— How are you doing?
I’m doing fine, thanks.

–Keep up the excellent work on Boston Legal.
Thank you. I’ve enjoyed working on the show; however, I won’t be part of the cast next season. I, along with three other principals, and the entire writing staff, have been “downsized”.

–Will you be teaching at Julliard?
I haven’t been associated with Julliard since the late ’60s. I don’t anticipate working there in the future.

–Do you keep in touch with Robert Guilliume?
Robert and I remain close friends, and we try to catch up with one another on a regular basis.

I’ve been your #1 fan since The Eyes of Laura Mars.
Thanks. I’d do my Lloyd Bridges imitation for you, if you could see me.

All the best to you-
rené a.

Posted here July 1, 2007

A comment from Christine:

Dear Sir,
I was delighted and thrilled that your character on Boston Legal pronounced the word “erred” correctly! Over the moon, in fact. This is a peeve that sends me into snarling fits, as it so often abused.

I was once covering Violetta in NY with Jonathan Miller. During a blocking rehearsal, he had us all in fits when he launched into a diatribe about diction.

Thank you for your terrific work.

Dear Christine-
Thank you for commenting on that small but, nonetheless, relevant detail. It’s nice to know that someone is paying attention.

rené a.

Posted here July 1, 2007

A question from Jordan:

How did it feel to play a scene again with Armin Shimerman in Boston Legal? It reminded me a lot of “Far Beyond the Stars” when you shared scenes not related to Star Trek.

I hope you get another big story arc in season 3 and keep getting ex-Star Trek actors back (I’ve noticed Ethan Phillips in some current episodes). Take care.

Dear Jordan-
It was great working with Armin again. As you may know, he’s a dear personal friend, and I think he’s one of the best actors around. I’m sorry I didn’t have any scenes with Ethan Phillips, who is also a very close friend.

rené a.

Posted here November 1, 2006

A question from Amanda:

I am a big fan of yours and have been a Star Trek Fan for almost 22 years. Mom would sit me in front of the T.V. when I was just a baby, and I would sit quiet as long as Star Trek was on, and I have been watching ever since. I have seen almost every episode of every series at least twice, except for DS9 which i’m currently catching up on. As I watch DS9 my love for Odo grows. On DS9 Odo was my favorite character, and it makes me happy to know you and Major Kira found happiness.

I was wondering what it was like to go from chief of security on DS9 to Paul Lewiston, a lawyer, on Boston Legal, and what is it like to work with William Shatner?

Dear Amanda-
I am having a great time working with Bill… and enjoying him as a friend.

The transition from Star Trek to Boston Legal is what every character actor dreams of… to stretch and change in challenging and interesting ways.

rené a.

Posted here November 1, 2006

A question from Jay:

Hello Rene!
I’m an avid fan of Boston Legal and am glad that you’ve been added to the regular cast. I was thrilled to see your name on the opening credits. There’s an upcoming episode featuring Paul Lewiston which looks exciting! What’s it like going to work and getting to wear those fantastic tailored suits? Also, what are Candice Bergen and James Spader like?

Dear Jay-
The suits are indeed beautiful and all tailored especially for me. Very elegant… I never dress that formally in real life.

The whole cast (and crew) are a dream to work with. I stand in awe of James Spader’s talent.

rené a.

Posted here March 6, 2006

A question from Jenn:

René, I grew up watching you on Benson and enjoyed Odo on DS9, both fine shows. Now I’m loving Boston Legal, but have only one quibble. Not enough René!

I’ve only seen flashes of the character Paul Lewiston can be. I loved the scene when you said you didn’t see a junior partner as an sexual object. It came across as extremely sincere (and somewhat horrified, like that was the last thing he’d have expected to be accused of).

I hope Paul can get more scenes soon; I’d like to see him dealing with the youngest lawyers, for instance, if he actually doesn’t try any cases routinely, focusing on administrative work instead.

Any episodes coming up where we can see more Paul Lewiston? He has to come out of his office sometime.

Dear Jenn-
Just keep watching!

rené a.

Posted here January 17, 2006

A question from Max:

I’m a big fan of you playing the character of security chief Odo in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and was thrilled when I heard that you became a regular on Boston Legal. I would like to ask, what is it like to work with William Shatner? And I have heard that you do not think that there will be a Deep Space Nine movie. Why?

Dear Max-
Bill Shatner is a BLAST! I’m thrilled to be working with him and to consider him a friend.

I doubt there’ll be another Next Generation feature, let alone DS9.

rené a.

Posted here April 12, 2005

A question from Andy:

Dear Mr. Auberjonois,
I have been a big fan of yours for many years. I loved you in M*A*S*H, and DS9. Last nite I watched Boston Legal for the first time and noticed you in a few scenes with Bill Shatner. Are you a regular on that show or was that just a guest apperance? I also wanted to ask you why you never recieved a credit for your role as Col. West in STVI: The Undiscovered Country? I looked up your biography on and it didnt list you as West there either? It confuses me that paramount doesnt give you credit for a job well done. I feel you performed excellently and deserve the credit!
Thanks for taking the time to read my email.

Dear Andy-
I am a regular on Boston Legal…although I started out as a recurring guest.

I chose not to be credited for my appearance as Colonel West in StarTrek: The Undiscovered Country which is not uncommon when playing a cameo role.

Thanks for your interest.
rené a.

Posted here February 5, 2005

A question from Katarina:

Greetings René,

Without meaning to sound trite, I am a big fan and am looking diligently for the secret to shape shifting and melting into the One! Fantasy/Reality aside, I enjoyed seeing you on Boston Legal just last night. I wasn’t sure it was you, as you don’t appear to look like “you”…and without being too bold, may I ask if you were wearing extra makeup or?? I did however, recognize your voice and mannerisms and think you are the cat’s meow! I hope you will answer me….

Dear Katarina-
Yes, it’s me. No, no extra makeup…just my natural OLD face exposed.

Thanks for your message,
rené a.

Posted here November 10, 2004